Contact Us

Headteacher: Niall Smith

Southborough High School Hook Road, Surbiton, Surrey, KT6 5AS

Tel: 020 8391 4324


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Mr K Nicholas: Head of inclusion and SENDCO


Tel: 020 8391 4324

Fax: 020 8391 0177

If you are not able to catch your child's class teacher either at the beginning or end of the school day to answer questions or queries, or if the information you are seeking involves applications to the school, the payment of school meals or uniform, then your point of call will be the school office. The school's administration staff will endeavour to answer your questions as quickly as possible. They will be able to answer many questions instantly but if this is not possible, they will endeavour to ring you back the same day with the correct information.

The school can also be contacted via this contact page on the school's website. Incoming e-mails directed to are all sent to a member of the office staff on duty who then sends them to the most appropriate person within the school to deal with your query. Again, we will endeavour to answer your queries as quickly as possible but please allow two to three days for queries to be answered in this manner. You may use the form located at the bottom of the school’s Home Page to send more detailed written information.

Upon request to the school office, a paper copy of specified information on this website can be made available free of charge.