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Applications are welcomed for places for boys' residents in all boroughs.
Each year, the school holds an Open Evening, typically in late September, and after that, school tours are available for prospective parents/carers to view the school in action and to sample the learning atmosphere.
The Open Evening was on 25th September and the Open Day tours finished in early October.
If you would like a copy of the school's prospectus then please telephone the school or email them through the links below.
If more than 150 applications are received places will be offered according to the following criteria, used in this priority order:
Boys with an Education, Health and Care Plan will be allocated a place at the school if it is named in their EHCP before the arrangements above are applied; in this way, the number of places available will be reduced by the number of children with an EHCP that have named the school.
Late applications will be considered only after all applications received by the closing date have been considered.
The waiting list will automatically consist of the names of unsuccessful applicants who have not had a higher preference offer. This list will be held in criteria order and will include any late applications.
Names of boys who have had a higher preference offer, or who did not originally name the school as a preference, can be added to the waiting list. These names will be added to the list in criteria order regardless of the date the application was received. The waiting list will be held until July 2021. After this date parents will have to request in writing to have their child’s name added to the waiting list.
How places were offered on 1 March for September entry
2024 | 2023 | 2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | |
Total Number of Applications | 443 | 460 | 461 | 420 | 441 | 454 |
Looked after and previously looked after children (criterion 1) | 2 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 1 | 1 |
Siblings (criterion 2) | 20 | 24 | 20 | 22 | 14 | 27 |
Family, Social, and Medical reasons (criterion 3) | 2 | 2 |
0 |
0 |
1 |
0 |
Distance (criterion 4) | 89 | 130 | 129 | 130 | 110 | 148 |
Boys with EHCP | 4 | 7 | 3 | 2 | 2 | 2 |
Number of appeals heard | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Number of successful appeals | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Distance from home to school of last children offered a place | 11km |
9.9km |
8.5km |
8.9km |
10.2km |
3.7km |
The information above is for guidance only. The number of applications received and the overall situation changes from year-to-year.
An in-year application is for the admission of a child at the normal point of entry submitted on or after the first day of the first school term of the admission year; or it is for the admission of a child to an age group other than the normal point of entry.
In-year admissions into all Kingston schools are coordinated by the local authority. Information on the coordination scheme is available on the Kingston Council website.
Applications should be made no earlier than one t1erm prior to hopeful entry, based on the modern six term year. Applicants may state up to four preferences.
Applicants will be required to provide evidence of their child’s date of birth if they have not previously made an application via the local authority. If the application is due to a house move, the applicant will need to provide evidence they are residing at the new address, such as a completion of sale document or a rental agreement, and evidence that the previous address is no longer available for them to live in. Further documents may be requested.
Applications will be processed and, where vacancies exist, a place will be offered at the highest preferred school possible.
If a place is not available at a preferred school then parents will be informed of their right of appeal. The child will automatically be placed on the preferred school(s) waiting list which will be prioritised in line with the over-subscription criteria, and re-ranked every time a new application is added.
Where no school place is available at a preferred school, and a child is currently without a school place within a reasonable distance, then the authority will, as a minimum, inform applicants of the availability of places at alternative schools. Where possible, the authority will offer a school alternative school place at the next nearest community or voluntary controlled school with a vacancy. A referral may be made under the Fair Access Protocol.
The guide which provides information for parents on how to make an In Year application is available on the Kingston Council website.
Appeals are managed by the Local Authority. For information regarding 2024 -25 please see this document.